Meet Janelle Kendell Forster, an enthusiast of all things outdoors. In addition to her work in the outdoor industry as a sales representative, she is an avid explorer, and enjoys spending her free time in the wilderness. Find her hiking, mountain biking, surfing, ski touring, backcountry camping, & stand up paddleboarding - anything that plants her firmly in the midst of nature.
Tell us about your life lived outdoors. What drew you to the outdoor industry?
I’ve always possessed a thirst for adventure and exploring new places. Belonging to a family of nature-lovers, some of my fondest childhood memories are camping trips, days at the lake, or mountain bike rides. I truly feel like my best self when I am outside, and I love to find new ways to explore and interact with nature. Having my career align with my lifestyle is such an added bonus, since I don’t feel a disconnect from “work” and “play.” I’m just living life!
Why is time spent in nature so important in your life?
Nature makes me feel so connected with myself, my goals, ambitions, and what’s most important to me. It allows me time and space to gain clarity on what actually matters, and it’s an atmosphere where the usual chatter of my busy life fades to background noise. When I’m outside, it doesn’t matter what activity I’m doing - I am completely living life in the moment. Also, having the opportunity to share these experiences with the people closest to me is so special.
Tell us about your recent adventures. Where have you been and where are you headed?
Highlights of 2023 so far have been spring surfing in Tofino with a backdrop of snowy mountains, bike trips to Squamish and Revelstoke, camping in the Crowsnest Pass, and ski touring in Kananaskis.
What is your favourite season to explore in?
It’s a bit of a trick answer - but I don’t have one. My favourite times are when the seasons begin to change, and the excitement and nostalgia that comes with transition. To me, there’s nothing more gorgeous than the hush of the first snowfall of winter - but that’s just as beautiful to me as the blooming of wildflowers every spring. Each season brings an endless supply of opportunity for new adventures just waiting to happen.
What are 3 items that bring joy to you in the backcountry?
Always in my kit, no matter the season: coffee supplies, a cozy toque, and a good book.
What is your favourite national park?
Can I pick two? Banff National Park is in my backyard, and holds so many memories for me. No matter how many times I visit, I am awestruck by the terrain - striking, daunting, and yet so inviting. My other favorite is Pacific Rim National Park, on Vancouver Island, which is one of the most magical and mysterious places I have visited. Lush rainforests and ancient cedars thrive next to a rugged coastline and the powerful Pacific - it’s a vibe.
What are the biggest lessons your time outside has taught you?
- There really is a solution to almost any problem, even if it’s not perfect. The best laid plans often go awry when you’re dealing with nature and exploration, and there’s so much that is out of your control. It’s a great reminder for life in general - you need to go with the flow and stay resilient.
- Wander in wonder. Nature lets you return to a childlike state of joy and curiosity (which so many of us lose when we reach adulthood, where success and accomplishments are prioritized). Reaching the summit is important, but you’re much more likely to remember the journey, not the destination. Take the scenic route, stop for a mountaintop coffee break, stay up too late and watch the stars.
- Don’t forget to soak it all in. I find myself noticing and appreciating such small details when I’m in nature with all my senses - the tiniest of flowers or mushrooms, the scent of sage or cedar in the forest, or the music of leaves, birdsong, and streams.
Describe your life lived outdoors in 3 words.
Curious. Adaptable. Wonderstruck.